Saturday, September 10, 2011

ようこそ! Yo-oo-ko-so! That means "welcome" when said correctly..

Hello! I have finally found some time to start my blog. Granted, it's a Saturday night and I'm sitting in front of my fan in my underpants and I just spent the last hour or so designing it.  I should have done it sooner, but I didn't have internet for the last seven weeks. But it's all good. I'm here now!

I suppose I should start my adventures from the beginning...
July 23, 2011 (as written from my journal)

I arrived safely and soundly! The flight wasn't too bad except for the obnoxious, sarcastic Polish woman next to me. She found out I was going to be teaching English and thought it would be a fantastic idea for me to proofread her 10 page psychology article for grammar mistakes. Not wanting to be rude, I did it and then she tells me that she disagrees with my corrections. No, no. They're right. While I couldn't sleep on the plane, I am proud of myself for actually getting up to go to the bathroom--3 times! Go me. 
I finally made it to Osaka, of course complained about how hot it was for the next hour (maybe five..), and met up with the rest of my group. Everyone seems super nice. We're all a little nerdy, a little's great. I'm rooming with Ann. She's from St. Louis, MO. I forgot people lived there...but she's cool.
After we arrived and got ourselves situated at the dorms, a small group of us ventured out for food. We ate at some small restaurant and ordered a bunch of little plates. I'm trying to be adventurous--so I tried everything..after smelling it of course. Pretty sure I ate chicken cartilage. Not so bad drenched in mayo. Learned a new word....uhh...crap. I forgot it already. 
My body is so confused. It has no idea what day or time it is and I'm hungry. I'm anxious to see how this humidity and my hair business is going to work out. My vote is not so great, but we'll see. The rooms are small and hot and air conditioning isn't so efficient. You also have to turn on the electricity when you enter the room using the only key to the room--meaning, when you leave--the key comes with you and the air turns off. It still hasn't hit me yet that I'm here, in Japan. I really still feel like I'm in San Francisco with all the Asians and public transportation. I'm excited for the training and new adventures! Also for the GIANT karaoke place across the street. Until next time! またね! (ma-ta-ne!)
*I had a super easy time through customs. The guard said my Japanese was excellent. I just smiled. :-)WINNING!

New Vocabulary words:
~生ビール     na-ma-bee-ru     draft beer
~エアコン      e-a-kon                air conditioner

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