Monday, September 19, 2011

Working...working...I work a lot...

It's now been five weeks since I got back from my mini vacation and started working by myself. I feel like I've been here forever though. My manager has even forgotten that I've only been here a short time. She commented on how comfortable I am and that most new NETs (native English teachers) are still unsure of what they're doing at this point. I still am unsure, but I just go with it.
For some exciting news....
At the beginning of September, school was canceled on Saturday because of a typhoon that was approaching and they made us come in on Sunday to make up Saturday's classes...which is when the typhoon hit. It wasn't bad here..just A LOT of rain. This typhoon made me realize two things: 1) how much I really hate rain and 2) how much I really need two consecutive days off in a row.
Work is going well..I just work a lot and feel extremely tired all the time. Being super excited about everything and speaking English to people who don't understand you for ten hours is very exhausting. But my coworkers are all very nice and my manager is too, so I can't complain too much.
I've taught a couple of my student's parents, just as a trial lesson in hopes that they will sign up for regular lessons. I think they went really well and I hope that they are practicing what I taught them at home. I taught them things like "When will you study?", "What do you want to eat?" One mom wanted to know if my mom used these phrases with me. I explained to her that yes, she did, but it wasn't in a well thought out, complete sentence. It's more of an angry command, "Go to bed!" "Brush your teeth!", "Eat your vegetables!" kind of thing. The mom just laughed and said, teach me angry instead.
I get next Friday off! Super excited..except there's another typhoon on its way...#15..I'm confused what happened to 13 and 14 since the first one I experienced was #12. Whatever. Until next time! またね!
New Vocabulary:
~大雨  oh-ah-meh    heavy rain
~なるほど  nah-ru-ho-doh      I see...(understand) 

1 comment:

  1. Hey!!! I resent that commentary about me. A command is a complete sentence and that was usually after getting no response from the well thought out complete sentence.
