Monday, September 12, 2011

Training Day 3

July 28, 2011

I'm starting to get homesick. Just a little more. I think the lack of internet is getting to me...that's sad.
Training is fun. A lot of work, but fun. A little hectic too. Oh, and I'm very tired.
We did our children's low and high model lessons today. It was alright...nothing special. Then we learned how to to do junior high lessons...don't know how well that's going to go tomorrow. So far, the children's lesson is my favorite.
After training, Ann, Ben, Sara, and I had quite the adventure for dinner. We walked to some shady little restaurant (sign #1 we should have not gone there) and the menu was all hand-written and mostly in kanji (the really difficult characters that even Japanese people have trouble reading). Somehow, between Ben and I, we managed to order some food, but had no idea what we ordered. Turns out, it was a slimy tofu mixture atop lettuce with possibly pork and that's right...cartilage. AGAIN. What is with this stuff? And why is it in everything? It was spicy and very awkward to eat. We also got edamame (soybeans and something recognizable) and some cucumber kimchi? I'm not 100% sure on that last one..It was alright. We also ended up with some peppered chicken wings and some large chunks of what I believe to be pork fat. We apparently ordered gyoza (potstickers), but they were filled with more pork and of course, more cartilage. To reward ourselves for trying new things, we got ice cream afterwards. : )
pork, tofu, and cartilage looks like cat barf...

We have to teach our junior high model lessons tomorrow and children's high and low lessons. Hope it goes well. Until next time! またね!
New Vocabulary:
~お願いします  o-ne-ga-ee-she-ma-su   thank you, please, multiple meanings (I taught Ann how to say this..well, I tried...)

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