Monday, September 12, 2011

Training Day 2

July 27, 2011

Today felt even longer than yesterday and I can only imagine how long tomorrow will feel.
I did my model lesson. I thought it went ok. Got some feedback on it and it wasn't as bad as I thought. There is just so much information being thrown at you! It's all good though. I'm getting it!!
Today was the first day I felt a little homesick. It wasn't so bad, but I got a little lonely. Somehow, the other trainees have me pegged as "the girl who can't hear and therefore makes up stupid shit because she thinks that's what she heard". This is very true. All of us are getting along great, which makes this training process and transition to Japan a lot easier. I had sushi for lunch and some チキン カツ chicken ka-tsu (breaded chicken) for dinner. There are just too many people to cook in the tiny kitchen they have and it's balls hot. I'll wait until I get my own place. Until next time! またね!
*I found KitKats at the grocery store today. They were I'm guessing dark chocolate because it had "adult chocolate" written on it in Japanese...silly Japanese.
New vocabulary:
~大人チョコレート  o-toe-nah-cho-ko-le-toe   adult chocolates

1 comment:

  1. and I'm "the brother that can't remember words to songs and therefore makes up stupid shit that fits in rhythm"....we'd make a great comedy team!
