Saturday, September 24, 2011

すし パーティー! (Sushi Party!)

After waking up Monday morning to find a balloon animal in my purse, I was hoping to have a relaxing week at work...

What the hell did I do this week? Wednesday, all but two of my classes were canceled due to typhoon #15 (that shit was hectic..more on that later). Thursday, I walked around my neighborhood, slipping flyers for our Autumn campaign into people's mailboxes (which I found out is illegal in the U.S.--thanks for the info, dad). And, we got Friday off to observe the emperor's brother's son's uncle's mom's birthday, or something. I may not have done much, but this week felt like forever.

The typhoon was insane. It was raining lightly when I decided to leave for work Wednesday morning, but somehow in my five minute walk to work the sky dumped a bucket on Shizuoka, leaving me in my Target look-a-like uniform (who decided khakis and red polos are appropriate work attire?'s awful), drenched. Moments after my manager had informed me all classes were canceled until 6:30, she came back to tell me one of my babies showed up. That's safe. I spent the rest of the day watching the wind blow furiously outside and the rain pounding angrily against the window at a slant. I tried to take a video.
On my walk on Thursday through my neighborhood, I came across these cute little straw huts. Turns out they're historical ruins...Toro ruins (登呂 遺跡  Toe-ro ee-seh-ki) to be exact. I'm no historian, but I am web savvy enough to provide you with a website to provide you with more information about these ruins ( I can, however, provide you with a couple pictures I took.

So on Friday, my coworkers and I decided to get together at my apartment for a sushi party! Apparently sushi making is not a past time of ALL Japanese people. We had a contest to see whose roll was the best, but now that I think about it, we never actually voted. They're too nice to say that anyone's actually sucked. I'm going to say it. Mine was pretty good. It was great getting to know my coworkers outside of our working environment. I hope we can make this a monthly thing. :-) I'm looking forward to a fun weekend! Well, until next time! またね!

seaweed, avocado, and kimchi. Not bad...

I didn't get the memo this was the serious one...

New Vocabulary:
~いただきます  ee-tah-dah-ki-mah-su   Let's eat!
~お箸   oh-ha-she     chopsticks
~写真   sha-sheen     picture
~やった!  ya-tah      I did it!

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