That's what I thought at first anyway. Luckily, Jaclyn in Fuji had the idea to go to Kyoto. She spent a few months there studying abroad and wanted to show me around. We connected with some others from our training group that happened to be going to Kyoto too.
The night we got there, Jaclyn and I met up with Ann (my roomie from training) and this guy she was couch surfing with, Andy. We went to a shrine (I think...) and then off to Nijo castle for a "lantern festival". I put that in quotations because one would expect a lantern festival to be a well lit, fun...well...festival. This was a dark, not as fun, not festival. I miss Hanukkah. Now that, is a festival of lights. We walked around the castle and then walked this long stretch through some other part of a castle or something and looked at some lights in a stream, wish lists hanging from a tree, and there was no exit for miles. I'm happy I was out and about, but it wasn't what I expected.
Jaclyn and Ann at the shine |
Part of Nijo Castle |
Nijo Castle |
These are not lanterns at the lantern festival |
Okonomiyaki |
New Vocabulary:
~新幹線 sheen-kan-sen bullet train
~お好み焼き oh-ko-no-me-yah-ki pancake with cabbage and/or noodles and perhaps some sort of beef.
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