Saturday, September 17, 2011


August 29, 2011

I am so happy that Mary from my training group lives so close to me. She's just a 53 minute local train ride away and it's so easy to get to her and her super nice co-net, Valerie. They came to visit Shizuoka last weekend and we had a great time, even though it never stopped raining! We ate Subway and Starbucks and walked around exploring new parts of Shizuoka that we all hadn't seen. 

A shrine..don't know what it's called

A park..nothing like Lindberg

It says: even cute animals poop..pick it up.

Firetrucks!! Where the firemen at??

The following weekend I went out to Numazu to visit them. I went there straight after work on Saturday and witness a really drunk businessman try to get on the train with his like 90 year old friend helping him. I'm also sure that he is the one who puked on the train that night. After running back and forth through the Numazu station looking for Mary, we finally met up and ended up eating dinner at McDonalds because it was close and we were starving. Not to mention it's like Valerie's favorite meal ever. We met up with some of their friends at a local bar and played cards. The next day we got yakisoba and wandered around Numazu and met up with everyone at a park by the water. The picnic was whatever, so we eventually ditched everyone to go sit by the water and stare at the dirty, polluted beach. On the way home, we stopped at this restaurant where you order with a pen. You rub the pen on the item that you want on the menu and it sends your order to the kitchen! It's amazing and the best part is...everything is 280¥! The only bad thing was, I accidentally ordered what I thought was just little pieces of fried chicken..and while it was..there was also cartilage in it. That damn stuff keeps coming up everywhere. Gross.
The next day before I left, we found a little Mexican-like place, but it wasn't just Mexican. In fact, the only Mexican-like food on their menu were tacos and enchiladas. Everything else was curry from different countries. The restaurant was small and run by this little old lady. We concluded that she must have gone to these different countries, learned how to make one or two things and decided she was going to open a restaurant. She should have stuck to traveling. It was edible, but not great. I had a great time in Numazu. Can't wait for my next trip!! Until Next time! またね!

This is how we play cards..

They believe in DIY cooking here...

軟骨= don't order again

tacos...burritos...what's comin' out your speedo?

enchiladas...I think...

New Vocabulary:
~サラリーマン  sah-rah-ri--man       Salary man or business man
~軟骨   nan-ko-tsu               Cartilage

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