Monday, September 12, 2011

Training Day 1

July 26, 2011

That was definitely a long day. We all got there a little early. By early I mean, like a half hourish, maybe more. Pretty sure the trainers were all laughing at us. I looked super cute in my skirt suit by the way...I had a picture, but I have no idea what happened to it (my computer has decided to delete random pictures while's always the good ones too..).
The day went by quickly, but I felt like we were all on speed. There was SO much information, but it was so well presented and explained that I feel comfortable enough attempting to do it on my own. The training is so structured and they're so organized.  It's crazy. The most difficult part of the lessons is deciding how you will teach the meaning using simple props. I'll get it down eventually. Wish me luck tomorrow! I'm teaching my first lesson. Until next time! またね!
New vocabulary:
~英語の教師   ay-go-no-kyo-she   English teacher

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