Wednesday, February 15, 2012

That's Just Weird...

I've now started counting the months I have left instead of counting how many months I've been here. Somehow knowing I have five months left sounds better than "I've been here for seven". That sounds more like an accomplishment though...So, even after being here for seven months, I am still finding things that weird me out. So here is a list of 20 more things that make me tilt my head to the side and say, "wtf?"....

1. Safety standards at...
          a. parks--dangerous metal equipment. Plus summers are hot. Good idea? I think not.
          b. stairs--no side rails
          c. cars--rarely see car seats or people who wear seat belts.
2. People riding on bikes with their babies in the basket in the front or attached to their chest or back.
3. Cars ride around saying random things or just playing music over the loud speaker. (I could have sworn they were selling furniture one time..)
4. Unicycles are more popular than a bike with training wheels for kids.
5. Girls give guys chocolate on Valentine's Day.
6. Ice cubes are actually a cube shape.
7. They carry blankets with them at all times when they think it will be cold
8. Bus seats are barely big enough for one person, let alone two people.
9. Buses are always on time
10. So many emoticons. I can't make out what some of them are supposed to be. Can you guess?
ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ   (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)      ( T_T)\(^-^ )      (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))    
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘       >* ))))><
11. They don't say, "I love you." 
12. They make you wear a face mask in the dressing room when you try on clothes. It's almost like a bag on your head...
13. The girls wear short skirts all year round. It is winter now. Put some pants on girls. Vaginas are supposed to be warm.
14. They don't censor American music. I love hearing it in stationary stores when I'm buying stickers for my students. Yes, let's buy some cute bunny stickers and bang a bitch.
15. They wear masks like it's part of their outfit (you know the masks..the ones that when you see someone wearing it in America, you think that person has SARS).
16. At work I have to wear a suit to appear professional, but I get to wear slippers. 
17. They sell used paper shopping bags. 
18. You can get change for coins or bills right on the bus!
19. Zima is still popular here. And it comes in 14 different flavors.
20. They always tape your shopping bags closed. I find it really annoying. 

Here's a look back at the 40 other things I find strange in this country: Part I and Part II

Until next time!! またね!
New Vocabulary:
~変な事    hen-nah-ko-toe    that's weird
~愛してる  Ah-ee-she-teh-roo   I love you
~安全  ah-n-zen     safety 

1 comment:

  1. I like that the bag is taped. It feels like a present. so what do those emoticons mean?
