Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day! ♥

Dear 2012,

I know it's been just about a month and a half, but it's Valentine's Day and I want you to know, I like you. My feelings will probably change drastically in the next month, but I thought I would put it in writing while it's still good. It's been great thus far, so please don't disappoint me too much. I'm willing to settle for pretty good.

Yours truly,

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. I hope your Valentine's is more romantic than mine. I am in a relationship with my job and it's not romantic. It's a not-love-but-kind-of-like-not-hate-but-really-dislike-at-times relationship. If it was publicized on Facebook, it would be complicated.
Valentine's Day in Japan is a lot less depressing than in America. PDA...not really acceptable here. I like that. Everyone else getting flowers and chocolate, but you...doesn't happen. I like that too. Listening to others wallow about their dateless night...not a word. I really like that. Also the girl is supposed to give chocolate to the boy she likes, I guess as a way of asking them out (not really sure on that..) or you can just give some to your friends (フレンドチョコ--"friend choco"). I was told about this beforehand by my male coworker, so I didn't expect my encounter with him to be as awkward as it was. I made Rice Krispie Treats for all my coworkers and handed them out in little baggies. Handing one to him, wishing him a Happy Valentine's Day and walking away would have been sufficient, but of course I had to say, "Here you are. I don't love you." Then I walked away. Winning. 
I don't know why I don't have a boyfriend...I clearly know how to make someone feel special. I don't need one because I have amazing friends who make me cool videos like this to make me feel special! (click the big "this"). 

I also have friends here that made my birthday away from home special. My coworkers threw me a mini party after work with sushi and a cake and presents. That weekend I went to Numazu to spend some time with Mary and Valerie. They took me to a neighborhood bar they recently found and we stayed out until 6:30 am talking with the bar tender and his friend, Mr. Bean. The bar is called The Silver Lump. So many jokes to be made...We also made unintentionally phallic-looking pizzas, watched movies, and had ice cream cake!! Mary and Valerie also surprised me with an already booked hotel room for our trip to Kobe (神戸) in March ☺(Thank you girls so much!!!) I couldn't have asked for a better birthday celebration!!

Cake #1

Shawna made this cute little bunny!

lovely gifts from my coworkers: a tumbler with  pictures, a steamer and recipe book and a Japanese phrase book.

@ The Silver Lump, Numazu

Cake #2

Thanks guys! You're the best!!

This is just hilarious. It's a lunchbox.

One day soon I will get up to date on these posts. There are just a few more events to share. Until next time!! またね!
New Vocabulary:
~バレンタイン デー  bah-ren-tine deh  Valentine's Day
~彼氏  kah-reh-she   boyfriend

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