Thursday, February 16, 2012

I Miss You..America..

I love Michael Buble. and his song Home.  Because I want to go home (with Michael Buble). I miss America...
So much so, that I have compiled a list of all the things I miss from America, aside from my family and friends. Today seemed like an appropriate day to release this list since, well, it kind of sucked. I keep getting talked to about the stupidest things. Today, for instance, I was told by my manager not to be friendly with her during work hours because it's more professional. She literally told me to ignore her. Don't worry, Manager. After that stupid comment, I will. She could tell that I was uncomfortable and frustrated, so an hour later I got an email from her with a flashing sign that read "notice" in Japanese. Underneath it read, "I love Allison", followed by another annoyingly cute notice sign. It's all very sweet, but I still don't want to go to work tomorrow.

July can't come soon enough. Until then, this is what I long for....

I miss......
1. good cheese (I don't know what the hell it is that they call cheese, but it's unacceptable)
2. gourmet burgers (just because you put a shit ton of pepper on it and some avocado does not make it gourmet. It should still taste like a burger)
3. larger portions (I'm always hungry)
4. hummus (they loved mushed beans here...why don't they have it??)
5. baking/ my KitchenAid  (I can only do so much with chopsticks and a microwave/toaster/oven/probably toilet)
6. the radio (I'm convinced all radios play elevator music)
7. cable TV (I was promised my TV had bilingual capabilities. I guess I misinterpreted this to mean it would have English channels...I guess it meant bilingual users. There is no English.)
8. Trader Joe's (who wouldn't miss this place?)
9. A dining room table (limited space and furniture requires my bed to double as table, desk, and couch.)
10. Chairs (I would like my legs to be at a 90 degree angle again...)
11. Couches...really just a place to sit besides my bed, the floor, and the toilet.
12. hobos (I've seen a couple crazies, but they're just not as good here...)
13. what I had originally written down might be considered offensive, so I'm going to change it to "diversity among people"....
14. rap music (Japanese rap is ridiculous. I want the real stuff...)
15. plentiful, cheap fruit available anytime of the year (fruit is seasonal and costs 1/2 my paycheck when the season is ending. I'm sorry, but $40 for a melon? Unless that melon can help me magically lose weight or never have gas again, I'm not buying it.)
16. blending in (I'm tired of being stared at...I get it, I'm different. Get over it.)
17. Salad (I just want a salad for a meal that doesn't have seaweed or bacon)
18. Not having to play charades every time I need to say anything (Gestures work wonders in a foreign country, but I'm giving up. If it's that important, I'll look it up in the dictionary beforehand...this game is over)
19. A normal eating dinner at 6pm instead of 11pm.
20. Not being alone (Yes, it's as depressing as it sounds, but don't pity me. I chose this path..)

Until next time! またね!
New Vocabulary:
~お知らせ    oh-she-rah-seh      notice
~アリソン 大好き   Ah-ree-son dai-sue-kee     I love Allison
~は7月を待っています    wah-tah-she-wah-she-chi-gah-tsu-wo-mah-teh-ee-mah-sue       I am waiting for July.

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