Friday, October 21, 2011

Accidents Can Happen...with Allison....

Where to begin.....?
Today wasn't the best. There was a lot of blood, tears, and apologies. Don't be concerned. Well, maybe be a little concerned. I did send one kid to the hospital. It wasn't my fault, I swear. Here's what went down:

I had a baby class this morning. These babies are almost 2 years old. They can walk, sort of talk, but as I found out today, they cannot walk and play instruments. We were singing the ABC song and playing little kid instruments and one little girl some how fell and cut her chin open on the little toy drum. Not just a a giant gash. I don't even know what part of the drum did that, but it wasn't good. Blood everywhere....except on the carpet (thank goodness). They went to the hospital. I just hope she's ok. I asked my manager if I can send her a card or something. She's told me not to say sorry, otherwise they will think that we are taking responsibility for what happened and we don't need to. It wasn't anyone's fault. I still want to send like a "get well soon" card. I should. I feel awful. My manager told me to continue class as if nothing had happened for the sake of the other kids in the class. As she closed the door to my classroom she points to her mouth and says, "HAPPY!" Happy? A kid just took a chunk out of her face in my class. I'm a little frightened. There's not much I can do now except hope she comes back to class with a whole chin.

Then...before lunch, my manager pulls me and the other foreign teacher aside and informs us of some complaints that have been made recently. There's not enough teachers and it's really putting a damper on our customer service. She said again, it's not our fault, but she just wanted to let us know. I could tell that she was getting worked up about something. Either not being able to find the right words in English or the stress of her job was finally getting to her enough that she showed it. Perhaps both. I could see tears welling up in her eyes...and before I knew it..I had tears in mine. I was trying not to cry. I really had no reason to, but I did. We hugged it out, but I just felt so silly crying at work in front of my manager because she was crying. Oh, girls.

Today was just a strange day and I'm very glad it's over. One good thing did come out of it. Actually two. I ate some sushi for dinner (it was from the supermarket and it was on sale because I bought it like a half hour before the store closed, but it was still delicious). My manager told me that she talked to one of my student's moms and said that before I came, this student didn't like coming to our school and that even mom didn't care much about her son's progress in English. The mom told the manager that she really likes the new teacher (ME!) and so does her son and he's excited to come to school and do his homework and learn English!! My manager said that hearing that made her day! Mine too! One more day of work and then off to Numazu and then.....TOKYO DISNEYLAND! I am so excited! AND Minna is coming! Until next time! またね!

**p.s. Happy Birthday, Tina!
New Vocabulary:
~血   chee   blood
~病院  byo-een   hospital
~御免なさい  go-men-nah-sigh    Sorry!

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