Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Few Funny Foreign moments....

So I get to work about a half hour early...first day back from the weekend. My manager approaches me with a serious look and says, "I need to ask you something."
I'm thinking, am I in trouble? No..wait...is this the boyfriend talk? No, I don't have a boyfriend. No, I don't want to date a Japanese guy. Does he wear a suit? This could work. Suits mean a job. Usually. This was the conversation I had with myself while she searched for the correct English words.
Then she says, "So, when you say 'holy shit'...do you say it when something happens or does it actually mean holy like g-d pooped?"
This was unexpected. I don't think I've ever had to explain this to anyone before. Although, I did have to explain what "a wedgie" was to a German earlier this summer. He wasn't getting it and I was really tempted to just give him one to demonstrate the meaning, but we were at a public festival.
Anyway, later in the day, she ran into the fax machine, sending a piece of the paper catcher flying across the room. After she let out a little scream, she whispers to me, "holy shit!". Wrong intonation, but good effort.

I was warned before I came here that I have to wear suits everyday, but to be careful about wearing skirt suits because you will be on the floor a lot (this still doesn't make sense to me). All the other female teachers wear skirts practically everyday. I have a zillion floor classes, so pants make way more sense. Plus, knee highs over pantyhose any day. Anyway, last week I wore pants on Tuesday and one of my students...she's the cutest little thing, about 5 years old. So smart (I hate kids like that...why wasn't I that smart-ass kid?).  She looks at me in my pants and my manager in her skirt and says, "Teacher. Why pants? Girls wear skirts. Are you a girl? I don't like pants." I wore a skirt today and she didn't notice.

What else happened today...a kid tried to kick me in the boob. Another kid almost crapped himself in someone else's class. That's all. I'm sure more funny stories will come soon. Until next time! またね!
New Vocabulary:
~おっぱい  oh-pie   boobies
~くそ   ku-so    shit
~わからない   wah-kah-rah-nai   I don't know

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