Saturday, October 8, 2011

It's a hard-knock life....for me.

I've been finding it very difficult to come home from work at 10pm and not immediately rip my suit off, change halfway into my pajamas, grab the jar of peanut butter and sit in front of my computer and wait for someone other than my mother to appear on skype (no offense mom, but why are you up so early?). I know I should go to bed. If not go to bed, then at least hang up my suit. I'm not used to this whole "big girl" job thing. Wearing suits and high heels. Hanging clothes up. I just learned how to iron a month ago via skype with my mom. I rarely feel like cooking dinner because the McDonald's across the street always seems like a better choice than the bread, eggs, and rice in my fridge. But wait. The mall closed at 10pm. Peanut butter and jelly it is. There is something wrong with me...
How am I supposed to get home from work, eat dinner, finish planning for everything I didn't finish at work because I went home so I don't die of exhaustion or hunger, do my dishes, clean my apartment, and go to bed at reasonable hour so I can wake up and do it all over again?  I just feel like there's not enough time in the day to work and do things I want to do. I understand that's what weekends are for, but I spend my weekends cleaning and running errands, since things open and close at odd hours.
Work was weird this week. I feel like each week is getting harder and harder to survive and they keep telling me that I've already passed the hardest part of this job (summertime), but I don't feel that way. That was easy. I was new and wasn't held accountable for shit. Now I've been there 2 months and they're expecting more out of me. I feel like I barely have time to think about anything because I am always so rushed. This job is hard. 
This is just me venting. I know not everyday is going to be great. I expect things will get better, but I really have to believe in that for it to happen. I'm going to go have a fun and relaxing weekend and look forward to more exciting events this a trip to Tokyo Disneyland and a visit from MINNA!! I can't wait! 

Now, for a look back at last weekend....
Mary, Valerie, and Jaclyn came out to Shizuoka. We spent the day as we usually do, walking around downtown after our weekly Subway run. Here's a look at what we found on our travels...
Whaat! Dr. Pepper?! Life is complete.

That is not how to spell cookies...

Everybody poops...everybody has books about poop.

Sunday night, Jaclyn and I met up with RB from the other Shizuoka school and we had dinner at an okonomiyaki place (pancake-cabbage thing). Then we went to Zero R, a dart bar. I am not very good at darts, but we played a fun version where your characters box each other when you throw the darts. Good times...

I'm the black one. Not the one that looks like Mr. T..

The next day, after I made a delicious waffle breakfast, Jaclyn and I went back to Fuji, where I attempted, yet again in my life to ride a bike. Since Jaclyn is a giant and I am a troll, to say the bike was a little tall for me is a bit of an understatement.  Here's how it went...
I did it! I rode that bike to the kaiten sushi (rotating sushi bar) place and to the movie store and to the grocery store and back to Jaclyn's house. Go me. 
Until next time! またね!
New Vocabulary:
~この仕事は難しい   ko-no she-go-toe wa mu-zoo-kah-she    This job is hard.
~掃除する    so-oo-ji soo-roo    to clean

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