Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's November!

Happy I-have-no-idea-what-holiday-it-is-because-this-is-not-America Day! Whatever the holiday is, I am happy it's here because that means I have a day off. It is now a quarter to 1pm and I have done nothing but eat an assortment of food from my fridge and watch what I can only assume are infomercials for space saving closets (as if they aren't already small enough). I should be doing the work I brought home to prepare for training this coming weekend, but even in a country that is 16 hours ahead, I am still days behind. I think I am addicted to procrastination.
Well, I have spent the last 5 hours talking to family and friends on Skype (p.s. I love you Skype) and still haven't gotten any work done.  Why couldn't I be a procrastinator for a living? I'm really good at it!
I'm sure you're all wondering what happened to the little girl who sliced her face on a drum. You're not? Too bad, I'm going to tell you anyway. After my wonderful weekend away at Disneyland, I return to work to find out that the little girl got stitches and that it would be more appropriate in this situation to go to her house and see how she's doing. Ok. So the next morning, my manager and I went to her grandma's house or work or something. I'm not 100% sure where I was, but I did know that it was 8am and I wasn't too happy. The little girl was happy and pointed at her ANPANMAN bandaid (he's a strange red-bean-filled-pancake-headed super hero or something...see picture below). She was smiling and didn't seem to hate me, so I thought all was good. I tried to listen to the conversation between the grandma and my manager, but all I could make out was that grandma was in Hawaii when it happened, and when she found out, she cried. I was glad I went because it helped to see that the little girl was happy. I wasn't glad that I was told I had to go back on Saturday before work when the father would be home. We went back on Saturday, this time to their house (their nice ass house). The father was scary and serious, but he's got great hair. I tried to listen and understand the conversation, but they spoke so fast, I decided now would be a good time to zone out and sleep with my eyes open. When they finished, my manager looks at me and says, "Say something in English,". I gave her a confused look and she said, "Say what I said in English." You thought I understood what just happened here? Wait, you thought I was awake? I was told not to say sorry, so instead, I bowed my head and said, "Thank you for your time." I could have said, "Don't be such a dick. Smile once in a while." But I didn't think about that until after I left. Apparently, he asked some very challenging questions to "test" my manager about what the company is doing to prevent an incident like this again. He also asked who would win if they took this to court. Seriously? My manager also informed me that he is very worried about the scar is going to look like and how that will affect her life later. I wish I knew how to say, "she'll look like a bad-ass" in Japanese.
This is Anpanman. I'm pretty sure he and his friends (other various kinds of breads) are cannibals.
 For Mary's birthday we went to Disneyland! There are two parks: Disneyland..and Disney Sea. Disneyland is very similar to the one in California, but it's in TOKYO! Disney Sea is very different, but very pretty. I don't want to bore you with all the details, so I'm going to give you highlights:
  • They teach you hand movements that you can do during the parades and everyone does them. 
  • Most white tourists are from Alaska.
  • Kids at Disneyland in Japan are just as gross as kids at Disneyland in America--i.e. putting boogers on the ropes in line so that poor girls like Valerie innocently run their hand along it and end up with Shrek glued to her hand (please don't tell me Shrek does not belong at Disneyland. I know, he's from Dreamworks).
  • If it says cheesecake on the menu, it's not.
  • I cried on the Tower of Terror. 
  • I can't tell if people always dress up for Disneyland or if it was just for Halloween, but they dress up in groups. 
  • Our hotel was super nice, with a view of the ocean, and it was magical.  

To see videos of our hotel and trip to Disneyland, check out Mary's video blog at

That was Disneyland. It was great. It was wonderful to sleep in a bed and be somewhere new. Minna also came into town the following weekend after working in Tokyo for a week, but that deserves a post all of its own. It's also now after 8pm. Stay tuned...Until next time! またね!
New Vocabulary:
~鼻くそ  hah-nah-ku-so    boogers
~グズ goo-zoo    procrastinator

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