Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanks for Nothing...

Dear Japanese doctors,

     When I go to the clinic specifically for a flu shot, you make me pee in a cup, get naked, check my insides and outsides and my eye sight, but don't give me a flu shot because I seem healthy enough. Congratulations. You were wrong. The following day I got sick. I can't say for sure that if you had given me the flu shot like you were supposed to, that this wouldn't have happened, but I like to think it wouldn't have. Instead of walking around with a swollen arm where the flu shot would have been (like one of my I think he should get that checked out again...), I struggled through about 30 classes this week with a tranny voice and a cough that puts a heavy smoker to shame.
     I visited some of your colleagues at another local clinic where I waited two hours for someone to tell me I have phlegm in chest. Thank you. I would have never figured with the monochromatic colors of green I cough up every morning. Then you write me a prescription for enough pills to classify each meal as a suicide attempt.  Thank you for making the two trips to the doctor's office plus the excessive amount of pills affordable, but seriously. 14+ pills in one day is ridiculous. A day off would have been nice, but apparently asking for a day off is like asking for a flu shot here. They only give you one if you absolutely need it.
      I hope we never have to meet again. I don't like you.

the pill-popping tranny

Until next time! またね!
New Vocabulary:
~病気  bee-yo-oo-ki    sick
~薬    koo-soo-ri    medicine
~あなたが嫌い    ah-nah-tah-gah-ki-rah-ee  I do not like you

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