Tuesday, May 8, 2012

When I Return....

With a little more than two months left in Japan, I have already begun to plan my homecoming.Who am I kidding? I can't even lie in a blog post. I've been planning for awhile...I told my mom months ago that when I fly back to Los Angeles, I want to do four things before I get home. 1) eat In n Out 2) mani/pedi + eyebrow (now possibly lip as well..so unfortunate)  3) Trader Joes and 4) Walk into Target, just to smell it. These four things are necessary. And they're all on the way home from the airport. In addition to these four things I've made yet another list of things I want to do before I get my life back together..

(In no real particular order...)
I can't wait to...
1. Spend an entire day cooking/baking
2. visit all my friends and family
3. that includes trips to New York and Washington and San Francisco
4. spend a weekend in Palm Springs (where it's hot, but not moist)
5. turn my blog posts into a book for myself
6. learn how to drive again and go on a road trip
7. exchange my Japanese yen for REAL money and swim in it for a moment before I put it in the bank. Wait, I can't swim. Let's make it rain.
8. get a massage.
9. Go back to Target, this time to buy American brand necessities
10. get my teeth fixed
11. find a job (which I will start looking for soon!)
12. find a place to live
13. go back to Target and furnish my new place
14. find a hubby. or at least go on some dates.
15. get a hair cut
16. go to brunch. (Boy, do I miss brunch.)
17. buy new clothes that fit
18. Go out dancing
19. Eat Mexican food
20. begin making a scrapbook of my trip to Japan that I will probably never finish

11 more busy weeks of work and then off to Osaka to travel with the Culver City Sister City Exchange group for a week. I just had three wonderful visitors for about 12 days. I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my last vacation time in Japan (that will be another post..I have a lot to catch up on..). Well, until next time! またね!
New Vocabulary:
~あと二ヶ月     ah-toe-knee-kah-get-sue      After (only) two months
~雨が降るように    ah-meh-gah-foo-roo-yo-knee        Make it rain

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