Wednesday, January 18, 2012

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! kind of..almost...

I know I haven't updated in awhile, but things have been a little busy. With my parents coming to visit over winter break and now me just being lazy, there just isn't enough time. I wanted this post to be GIANT and have all the fun activities I have done in the last month, but I decided to share something more important:


I feel like since I am in Japan and the majority of my friends and family live in America, I get two birthdays. Here in Japan, my birthday is in less than an hour. If I celebrate on America time, I'll get another one 17 hours later. Clever. I think I'll take two.

What's that? You want to know my big plans for turning 26 in a country different from the one I was born in??? Well, I plan to work. Because that's what the Japanese do. They work. I have 7 classes to teach tomorrow, but don't think I haven't been reminding my students for months now when my birthday is. I included it in lessons. I also tested them on it. They can't forget. I'm prepared to be disappointed tomorrow.
I've thought about mentioning this...

Anyway, I'm not as excited as I usually am for my birthday. True, this entire post is about my birthday, but don't be fooled. I am usually WAY more excited. I just plan on having a relaxing weekend in Numazu and the following weekend I am meeting a friend from my training group in Kyoto.

In other recent news, I had my six month evaluation with my manager. I can't believe I've been here for 6 months. It seems like way longer. This also means I still have 6 months left. In my evaluation meeting, my manager and I discussed my improvements from my 3 month evaluation, but she also marked me down on a couple things. She marked me down because she didn't like a sweater I wore one time. I didn't realize her personal fashion sense was taken into account. If we're going to talk outfit preferences, I don't like suits. Just be glad I come to work dressed. That was hard to do in the summer, so, you're welcome. Then she asked me the question I had been anticipating since I started: What do you think about extending your contract??

I just cried.

I don't know why! I have answered this question 100 times in my head. I rehearsed it so I didn't blatantly laugh in her face and walk away. Maybe it was all the nice comments she had given me before asking me to stay. Or maybe I care about this job more than I think I do. No, that can't be it.

I finally was able to gather myself together enough to explain (or lie) to her why I can't stay. She said she understood, but she asked me to reconsider for maybe extending 3 more months. I felt bad for saying no, but I came here for the experience. One year then continue my life in America. Had things been amazing here and I thought I could do this forever, then I would stay at that school. She is great, my coworkers are great and I love (most of) my students. It's been an incredible experience, but I was done with it 3 months ago. We started discussing the job itself and I explained to her that this job is hard. I've never worked harder in my life and I'm sure none of the other NETs have either. It's hard on your body, on your mind, your emotional stability. I can't understand how others have survived for more than a year.

It's not official just yet. I haven't filed any papers saying I have refused the offer, but the word is out now. I just hope it doesn't ruin the relationship I had with my manager. She asked me, "What if the new person isn't like you?" That is so nice. I just told her, "I'll punch them."

I feel relieved and happy, but sad. She cried. That was hard to watch. Japanese people don't cry. Emotions...what are those?? Anyway...

Happy Birthday to ME! You have 6 months left in Japan. Make them count  :-)
Until next time! またね!
New Vocabulary:
~誕生日  tah-n-joe-be   birthday
~六ヶ月  ro-ka-geh-tsu   6 months
~泣く   nah-ku    to cry

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